Why Every B2B SaaS Company Should Implement Revenue Operations Right Now

Why Every B2B SaaS Company Should Implement Revenue Operations Right Now


Marketing and Sales are major revenue drivers in B2B SaaS. This may explain why too many SaaS companies focus most of their resources on actions concerning new logo acquisition versus customer retention, data sharing, and inter-organizational cohesion. 

The recent economic downturn proved that implementing a modern operations framework that prioritizes customer relationship building and cooperation between Sales, Marketing, and Customer Success teams can position a company to survive the toughest of circumstances.

Revenue Operations is a relatively new model of business operations that's seen significant growth over the past several years. It's a model perfectly fitted for a world where workflow transparency, Big Data, and customer happiness are the keys to remaining competitive. A stark reality is that the majority of new SaaS companies fail. Implementing Revenue Operations may be one of the most significant steps a business can take to ensure long-term survival. 

By 2025, Gartner predicts that 75% of the highest growth companies in the world will have implemented a RevOps model. If your company ignores this growing trend, chances are you will be outpaced and less able to compete.

What Are Revenue Operations?

Revenue Operations (also called RevOps) is a relatively new function in B2B SaaS. Through the COVID crisis, companies were forced to focus on several critical aspects of survival: accumulating working capital, switching to relying on a remote workforce, and ramping up strategies geared toward retaining existing customers. RevOps has proven to be a sound solution allowing companies to accomplish all of the above. 

While Revenue Operations existed for some time before the pandemic, the economic downturn was instrumental in accelerating its recent growth. The principal role RevOps serves is unifying three vital operations in a business (Sales, Marketing, and Customer Success) so that their workflows are aligned toward producing consistent, predictable revenue excellence.

Some B2B SaaS companies new to Revenue Operations make the mistake of assuming RevOps should be a subset of Sales or even Marketing. In reality, RevOps is its own unique operation, and under optimal circumstances, it should be run by a dedicated team that cooperates seamlessly with all other departments within a company.

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What Problems Are Typically Solved by RevOps?

Customer Churn

No single strategy can prevent customer churn entirely; however, various approaches can be taken toward the customer experience that help mitigate the likelihood of it occurring. 

In an organization with no RevOps model, a company may struggle to apply customer-focused processes to its operations, resulting in high customer dissatisfaction. Subpar customer care is often caused by departments within a SaaS company functioning in a disjointed fashion, leading to a lack of cooperation or shared sense of mission. It can also result from poor engagement and communication with customers or a company failing to provide support precisely when a customer needs it most.

Implementing RevOps allows a business to have 360-degree views of the entire customer journey—from initial engagement with marketing channels all the way through to conversion and the subsequent use of a company's products and services. Having enhanced views of the customer experience allows for a proactive application of customer support that helps deepen a buyer's relationship with a business. 

Additionally, because a core feature of RevOps is the intelligent application of automation and AI assistance, Customer Success teams are in an enhanced position to provide personalized customer care and upsell services that provide targeted value. This all coalesces to improve loyalty and increase customer retention.

Bad Data & Poor Team Communication

As we enter a post-pandemic phase of work, companies are encouraging employees to return to the office. However, a substantial number of professionals are opting to continue to work remotely. Though it may be some time before the majority of workers are permanently home-based, savvy companies are accepting a new normal that relies on at least a portion of their workers being remote.

Besides insisting on an in-office presence, businesses that follow a legacy style of operating tend to have closed-off communication between departments and siloed processes. Cross-cooperation in an organization following outdated operational practices can be fraught with friction, and the data it generates has a higher rate of inaccuracy. These factors negatively impact a company's ability to compete in a modern, data-driven economy.

With a remote workforce, seamless communication and access to timely, accurate data are vital to a business's bottom line. In an inefficient workflow, SaaS sales professionals can waste over 30% of their time hunting down data needed to close deals; this, combined with other time-wasters, results in companies losing over 40% of revenue each quarter.

As a core principle, RevOps promotes a company-wide culture of collaboration and transparency. With a clear joint mission and shared objectives, teams are encouraged to talk to each other and freely share data to fulfill a SaaS company's mission. With data silos removed, teams are supported by rich content and accurate metrics to help them make proactive, high-value decisions.

Technology Bloat

Application sprawl is another side effect of siloed operations within a SaaS company. In a siloed structure, each team or department will tend to have an independently chosen tech stack that produces data specifically understood by that team. Not only does this negatively impact the ability of teams to share data and work together, but it also increases a company's software subscription expense.

To cope with data that is not easily understood, one team handling another team's content may employ multiple tools to make it easier to interpret, house, and manage. This inevitably leads to duplicated effort, duplicated data, and a higher propensity for error.

With Revenue Operations, the RevOps manager is usually the leader charged with selecting effective IT tools for managing workflows across an entire organization. This ensures interoperation efficiency and reduces the number of applications that teams need to perform. This benefit can be further enhanced by picking a platform like Customer City that takes the place of ten or more sales enablement applications right out of the box.

Why Should Every B2B SaaS Company Implement RevOps?

As this article demonstrates, Revenue Operations can resolve common obstacles to capturing greater profit. If this isn't enough motivation for your B2B SaaS company to become RevOps-curious, consider the following statistics. 

  • By 2025, Gartner predicts that 75% of the highest growth companies in the world will have implemented a RevOps model. If your company ignores this growing trend, chances are you will be outpaced and less able to compete.
  • Companies with revenue-aligned operations see 19% faster growth. Achieving faster growth can be crucial when a company has accepted venture capital to support startup and expansion activities.
  • B2B companies that adopt a Revenue Operations strategy see a 10-20% increase in sales productivity, a 100-200% uptick in marketing ROI, and a 30% reduction in go-to-market expenses.
  • Companies that adopt a RevOps model have achieved a nearly 30% increase in revenue growth.

How To Get Started With Revenue Operations in Your Company

The first thing to understand is that RevOps takes different forms depending on a company's culture, the industry it operates in, and the type of customers it serves. While at its core, it relies on unifying Sales, Marketing, and Customer Success to achieve revenue excellence, a company's overall goals will dictate the depth of this integration.

  • Because RevOps depends on cross-organizational cooperation, the first step to implementation is to make sure you have buy-in from all stakeholders, including executive support.
  • Next, you want to ensure that your goals for incorporating a RevOps model are clear and that these goals are understood by all teams within your company. If you come across any objections, these objections should be resolved before moving forward with implementation.
  • Once your B2B SaaS company has decided to forge ahead with RevOps, determine who will own this operation—it may be existing leadership within your business, or you may decide you need to make additional hires.
  • Choose a tech stack that supports customer relationship management, sales intelligence, automation of manual tasks, content management, and easy internal and external communication.
  • Determine the metrics you will track at each stage of your RevOps workflow that determines failure or success.

If any of this seems daunting, seek the guidance of an experienced partner. Customer City assists B2B SaaS firms from various industries with making a smooth transition into Revenue Operations.

Are You Ready to Invest in RevOps?

RevOps represents a major shift from traditional business operations. It’s a modern strategy that embraces cooperative workflows and cross-team buy-in—an approach to operations required to compete in a data-driven economy. B2B SaaS companies that embrace this new leg of digital transformation will discover that Revenue Operations make it easier for them to collaborate and communicate, optimize customer experiences, and capture predictable and consistent profit.

While it's true, adopting an operations model as broad as RevOps can be challenging, the benefits are well worth the effort. Even better, you don't have to tackle this significant project alone. At Customer City we specialize in helping B2B SaaS companies make a cost-effective, frictionless transition into Revenue Operations. We're also building the first CRM designed from the ground up for Revenue Operations.

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